Home Postpartum and Wellbeing Embracing The Pause: Why Taking A Career Break After Maternity Leave Can Be The Best Decision

Embracing The Pause: Why Taking A Career Break After Maternity Leave Can Be The Best Decision

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Have you been thinking about taking a career break after maternity leave? I know in this world  that pushes women to “have it all”,  taking a break might seem scary for you. But, what if I told you that a career break could unlock your true potential and bring you long-term happiness? 

Career break after maternity leave

Well, Pooja Seth, a leadership coach, says a maternity or career break can be a “career-saving move” for working moms. She points out the benefits, like recharging and recovering, getting a new view on what’s important, learning new skills, and building strong family bonds. 

In view of this, Seth believes a break is not about giving up on your career. It’s about investing in your future success and well-being.

Let’s look into why a break after maternity could be the change you’ve been looking for. 

I believe it’s time society ends the stigma around maternity leave and career breaks for mothers. Manjari Thakur, a working professional, took a four-year break to focus on her child. She talks about the biases that make people think women who take breaks are not good at their jobs or too emotional.

It is amazing that Thakur wants us to accept different choices mothers make. This includes women who don’t want kids, those who balance work and family, and stay-at-home moms. She thinks it’s time to drop old ideas and welcome new ones.

“The number-one reason mothers opt out of working is to spend more time with their children,” according to the study “American Mothers on Pause.” Additionally, over three-quarters of stay-at-home mothers feel misunderstood and underappreciated.

More people are now okay with career breaks for mothers. An Indeed survey showed 93% of mothers faced bias when they went back to work. Many left work because of tough managers, no flexibility, or demanding jobs.

Just so you know, you are not alone in your decision to take a career break after maternity. Whether it’s the stigma surrounding it or you feeling you might struggle to find another job when you are ready that’s why you are feeling scared shouldn’t be a hindrance anymore.

These women I have mentioned have walked this same path and they have made it, therefore you are capable of taking this bold step and trust me, you would even feel more proud of yourself.

Note this, one in three moms worry about how employers will view their career break so I fully understand your worries and cold feet to walk this path you really want to. It’s not surprising many women left their jobs during the pandemic, mostly because they were mothers.

Supporting career breaks for mothers like you is key to helping you in your career. So, it is not a bad thing that you want to take a break to either teach skills like listening, advocating, planning, teaching, creativity, or managing projects.

One thing you should take into consideration before taking this bold step of taking a career break after maternity leave is understanding your reasons for the action you want to take. This will bring you more clarity and peace within your soul.

Every decision you make in this life has its advantages and disadvantages so it’s important you take your time to assess your situation and know the right move to undertake. If your urge to take this career break after maternity leave is strong, then take action.

Once your spirit and soul are yearning for it, then don’t waste time, go for it knowing that you are fulfilling your greatest desires. Now, let’s get started on why taking a career break after maternity leave can be the best decision you would ever make in your entire life.

Starting motherhood is both exciting and overwhelming. Oh yeah, I know that feeling and ecstasy. However, you get to the point whereby you might feel like you’re losing yourself as you juggle work and caring for your baby. 

So, taking a break after maternity leave can be a chance to find peace and clarity. This break lets you hit the pause button and helps you to focus on your well-being. You can enjoy self-care without guilt, like sleeping more, doing hobbies, or just being with your baby. 

It’s a chance to rediscover the simple joys that work life might have pushed aside for you. You might have even lost your glow and smile which can be emotionally daunting for you.

That’s why a career break also means you can step back and think about what’s important to you. It’s a time to see things from a new angle and think about what you really value. By finding clarity with yourself, you can make better choices about your career and life, leading to more happiness and fulfillment.

“Taking a career break after maternity leave was the best decision I ever made. It allowed me to reclaim my sanity, find the clarity I needed, and truly cherish the precious moments with my child.”

Taking a career break after maternity leave can change your life, that’s a fact. You will be able to rediscover your passions and reignite your inner spark which feels amazing. This time is perfect for you to explore your hobbies you might have ignored while working and taking care of your baby.

Maybe you love writing, painting, or learning new things, that break can help you enjoy these beautiful moments again. It’s really your chance to find activities that make you happy and give you purpose. 

In case you don’t know, Pooja Seth, a leadership coach, also talks about the big benefits of taking time off during this important period of your life.

“A career break after maternity lets you rest, recover, and reconnect with yourself,” says Pooja. “It gives you much-needed clarity on what’s truly important. And it helps you blend work and family life better.”

By focusing on yourself, you’ll come back feeling fresh, full of energy, and ready to pursue your personal interests with excitement. Are you ready to make this move now? Nothing should hold you back sincerely.

These are some activities you can get yourself involved in:

  • Explore creative writing, painting, or learning a new musical instrument.
  • Indulge in physical activities like yoga, hiking, or dancing that rejuvenate your mind and body.
  • Dive into learning a new language, taking an online course, or reading books that challenge and inspire you.

“The time I spent on my maternity break allowed me to reconnect with my true self and rediscover passions I had forgotten. It was a transformative experience that left me feeling more fulfilled and energized than ever before.”

By reigniting your inner spark during maternity break, you’ll find a new purpose and connect more with who you are. This chance to pursue personal interests after taking a career break after maternity leave will leave you feeling empowered and ready for what comes next.

The time after maternity leave is a rare chance for moms like you to bond deeply with your child. This period, when the child is very young, is irreplaceable so I can imagine your desire to take a break to enjoy this experience with your baby. 

Being there for every milestone and moment will surely put a big smile on your face and let you enjoy the simple joys of life. Sometimes, life is all about these little moments we share with the ones we love.

These moments create a strong bond and shape the child’s early years. By focusing on quality time with your baby during maternity leave, you make lasting memories during maternity break. This special time is a gift that will be remembered forever.

Attachment theory shows how crucial a strong bond between parents and child is. This leads to a stronger mother-child bond after maternity and lasting memories during maternity break. This maternity leave family time is a special part of both the mother’s and child’s lives.

“The goal of parenting is not perfection but ‘good enough’ mothering, allowing for a learning process in building relationships with children.” 

A career break after maternity leave doesn’t mean you’re stuck. It’s a chance for personal growth and learning new skills. Use this time to get certifications or take online courses. This enriches your life and shows your kids the value of learning. 

Upskilling during your break can lead to better jobs or new careers when you go back to work. You can explore new trends in your field or try something completely different. This break is a great time to find your true potential and grow professionally.

While on a career break after maternity leave, you could learn about digital marketing, data analysis, or AI prompt engineering – skills that are in demand today. Through that: 

  • Embrace new technologies and industry trends to stay relevant
  • Obtain certifications that can boost your professional credibility
  • Discover untapped passions and explore new career paths
  • Develop a well-rounded skill set to enhance your marketability

By upskilling and growing personally during your leave, you’ll broaden your skills and inspire your kids. Show them the importance of learning and following your passions, even when you’re not working.

With data, Career Net says 80% of women go back to work after having a baby, and 42% in India learn new skills to get a new job. About 7.5% update their skills for a new job.

Moreover, Pooja says a maternity leave break is also a chance to learn new skills or improve old ones. “By focusing on your growth during this time, you’ll be more valuable when you go back to work.”

“Embracing personal growth and upskilling during my maternity break has been incredibly rewarding. It’s allowed me to stay relevant, explore new passions, and position myself for exciting career opportunities when I return to the workforce.”

This article has shown you why taking a career break after maternity leave is a smart choice for working moms like you who are seeking clarity before taking this bold step.

 It will help you to find clarity, grow personally, strengthens the bond with your children and opens doors to new career paths. Some might worry about the risks of taking a break, but the benefits are worth it in the long run. 

Your well-being is the most important thing, and a career break can help you with that. Use this time to take care of your mental health and find joy in motherhood. 

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